
Gifts of Greenery

The Inspiration of Growing a Garden!

One of the most inspiring experiences I’ve had lately is growing plants. In fact, I find plants so soothing to the soul that I can’t trust myself to even make a trip to the grocery store without bringing home whatever they offer in the plant department!

I know, it sounds a little weird or maybe even a little eccentric, but there’s something so satisfying about being around lush greenery and something so rewarding to know that you helped it thrive.  

So I’ll just fill you in on my February through now.  One day in February (in the height of the busy tax season for my nerdy accountant job) I decided to take a mini adventure to The Home Depot and pick out some vegetable seeds to grow.  The funny thing is, I had no idea where I was going to grow these plants!  I have a tiny yard and no garden to speak of, but I planted those little seeds in a tiny planter anyways. I made sure to keep the soil nice and hydrated and I even moved furniture in weird places throughout the house to get those little seeds close to the sun so they would burst into tiny seedlings.  

Tomatoes on the vine

And one day they did. They popped out of the dirt and became plants! At that point it was early spring and still pretty chilly out, so I would take the whole tray of teeny-tiny plants outside during the day to absorb sunlight and I would haul them back inside at night to protect them from the cold. I soon began to realize that they eventually had to go somewhere and I scoured google and found some pre-made raised garden beds online. As busy at work as we were, we slowly assembled our little garden area in our back yard.  

Mid-April, (the very first weekend after taxes are due!) we transplanted our little babies into the earth of their new little home in the cedar beds. They quickly began to grow big and strong and everyday we would hang outside and revel in the fact that we grew those, we placed a seed in dirt, and look at them now!!  

Mid summer pic of the garden

We have been so proud of our plants and we enjoyed tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cucumbers, herbs, and even a pumpkin for the summer! It’s October now and we’re still getting tons of peppers and round 2 of seeds has now started too, we’ll see how those fall crops do…

Overall, the inspiration we have gotten from these plants is astounding. From the feeling of accomplishment, to enjoying how much they livened up our little backyard with beauty and color, to cooking with the vegetables they produced nearly every day, these plants have truly been chicken soup to the soul!

The last major harvest of the summer